DownloadPortRoyale3Update13 ((BETTER))

DownloadPortRoyale3Update13 ((BETTER))



All the latest Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants news, sales, achievements, videos and screenshots. . Xbox Sales Overview: On April 13, 2021, Port Royale 3 launches a new Promotion: with each purchase, you will receive a gift of a new ship and one ship from the list of ships available for purchase.The sale season continues in Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants, and until April 13, 2021 inclusive, you can buy the following ships at a discount on the Xbox Store (Xbox Game Pass PC and PlayStation Network): Jimmy Hark – 75% Sagara – 80% The Stolen Dragon – 65% The King of Glory – 75% Inca – 75% Knight Trident – 85% Zeus – 60% Pirate Jack – 75%

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