Aside from the application itself, Photoshop also comes with _Photoshop Elements_, a free software package of photo, graphic, and video editing tools. Photoshop is not only one of the most sophisticated image manipulation software packages available, it’s also an immensely powerful tool. It has more editing features than anything other than a paint program. In this chapter, you find out how to use Photoshop to alter your photos. We show you how to use the tools that Photoshop has to offer, whether it’s your camera or your own material. # ABOUT THIS BOOK This book gives you the inside tips for using the various tools Photoshop has to offer, such as the multiple tools for cropping, resizing, and other basic editing. We also explore the deeper aspects of Photoshop, including layers, the resizing and correcting options, adjustment layers, and the way colors are handled in a digital world. If you’re coming to Photoshop from another program, we tell you how to get your original files into Photoshop. Using your current photo files as your starting point, we then show you how to open, combine, and stitch images together in Photoshop. You also get a detailed look at the pixels in an image, as well as how to use digital filters. We go into a variety of different ways that you can crop images, including using the Content Aware tool, the Content-Aware Move tool, and the Content-Aware Fill tool. We also explain what it’s like to work with layers and working with multiple images. If you’re coming from a print world, this book can also help you master the basics of working with the color-matching tools of Photoshop. We also go into different ways to alter images with the adjustment layers and provide guidelines for mastering this program. # INTRODUCTION Photoshop is the world’s most ubiquitous photo editing program. The versatility of Photoshop makes it possible for anyone to create amazing images. Although there are lots of other photo-editing software programs available, Adobe Photoshop CS is the one that does the most of the heavy lifting. As you consider which program to use, you need to consider the depth of the program, how much it costs, and whether it will leave your hardware and budget in good shape once you’re done. These days, all good digital cameras have high-resolution photos. They’re bright, colorful, and fun to create. Still, once you have your material, the next
Photo by Dave Vincent for the Washington Post Like other computers from the late ’80s and early ’90s, the original Photoshop was a powerful piece of software, and it shared a passionate community of users with the early versions of Microsoft Windows. The early versions of the application were a good fit for what was at the time a new kind of computer: PCs with built-in graphics capability. Designers like Ralph Baer and Dan Russell put together software that was specifically aimed at printing and manipulating images. The power of the software was that it didn’t matter if the original artwork came from a plotter or a digital camera. Photoshop could turn a pixel-by-pixel composition into something real. Photographers, graphic designers, web designers, Discord emoji creators and meme-makers all use Photoshop to edit images, create new high-quality images, or both. At the time, the term Photoshop was just a trademark. The software was developed by brothers Thomas and John Knoll. They had come from a background in electronics, but they were pushed out of academia by their workload, so they joined Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in 1975. DEC paid Knoll a flat salary, which was roughly equivalent to $7,500 a year in today’s dollars. DEC gave the brothers enough money to launch Knoll, and the Macintosh was born. The Mac was not ready for production until the beginning of 1984, but by that point Photoshop had become the de facto standard for image editing software on the PC. In what was a significant amount of foresight, Photoshop allowed early users to experience a computer for the first time. Not only did Photoshop make it easy to open, view and save files, but it also incorporated a number of elements that made the experience of working with images enjoyable. Photoshop was the first piece of software to use the mouse to select and manipulate images. This feature, which became a standard component of all graphical applications by the late 1990s, meant that users would need to learn fewer commands and could create as many images as they wanted. Photoshop’s dynamic zoom function also made it possible to see a greater variety of images at any given time. Photoshop’s easy-to-learn user interface made it an indispensable tool. Not only did Photoshop make it easy to open, view and save files, but it also incorporated a number of elements that made the experience of working with images enjoyable. 388ed7b0c7
Q: in R, how to paste based on variable order I’m an R newbie, trying to get my head around for-loops. I have a dataframe of 3 columns. The rows are labeled by an ascending number. I want to paste into one column: the rows where the number matches, like this: 1 2 3 3 4 5 Basically, I need to paste the row where the number falls within the range of the another variable (variable3). I’m not sure how I can get this to work. I’m using a for loop right now to get the index match, but I’m sure there must be a simpler way. A: g Sequential expression of opioid peptides in the rat nervous system after a single moderate dose of morphine
Q: Trying to run integration tests in a docker container, but trying to access an external port that the container is not exposing via the docker-compose.yml file I have the following docker-compose.yml file, and the corresponding test: docker-compose.yml: version: “3.0” services: ubuntu: image: ubuntu container_name: “ubuntu” volumes: -./docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d -./var/lib/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql ports: – “8080:80” environment: – POSTGRES_USER=postgres – POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres – POSTGRES_DB=postgres – PGDATA=data/database/pgdata.sql – PGUSER=postgres network_mode: host redis: image: redis:alpine container_name: “redis” environment: – “REDIS_DB=2” – “REDIS_PORT=6379” expose: – “6379” ports: – “6379:6379” networks: – mynet # optional mysql: image: mysql container_name: “mysql” environment: – MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password volumes: -./docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d networks: – mynet postgres: image: postgres container_name: “post
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